
Monday, August 29, 2011
Loves and Kisses from Grandma and Grandpa
Wow, how to describe this week; exciting, exausting, wonderful, nervewracking, educational, great!! We had training at the temple at 6:00am on Monday, then at 1:00 we had two sessions for the dignitaries, area presidents, temple department people, Sis. Allred of the General board, I got a hug and kiss from her, (I just love the custom of kisses and hugs when you great people.) We got to our apartments about 6 and met with Pres and Sis Peterson to schedule. Dad and I got the afternoon shift with the Kitleys this first week. The morning shift starts at 6:00 and works to about 2:00 and the afternoon shift starts at 1:00 and works til closing, usually about 9:00 then we clean the temple before we come home. Our trained temple workers ended up being set apart, spending a day or two at the Guatamala temple and that was it. The people are so eager to learn and very teachable and quick to learn. a much more educated people than the mexicans that come to Idaho to work. we ate lunch at the cafiteria two days, they only charge 2.50 a plate and the food was very good. we can't buy food that cheap. The temple washers broke down so Saturday night Dad and I did 6 loads of towels from the Baptistry here at the apartments, we have 3 washers and dryers here. Dad is getting real good at the laundry. Sunday morning we had to get the "ox out of the mire" so we washed, dryed and folded the baptism jumpsuits here. we couldn't leave them wet all weekend. The weather is beautiful, not too hot or cold. it is the rainny season so you never go out without an umberella. it can be sunny one minute, then pour for ten minutes then sunny again. we had a Sunday meal all to gether with the missionary couples and it poured the whole time, we ate out side on our patio but you don't need even sweaters even when it rains. the flowers and trees are beautiful and so green. it gets light about 5:00 and dark by 5:00pm. Shopping is hard as we have to rely on someone taking us. Walmart is very expensive, the prices are about the same as the US, however, the containers are half the size. We hope to get to the Price Smart store (like costco) and to the local mercentile soon. People have to rely on the local transportation to get to the temple, very few can afford cars or gas,$5.00 a gallon. so noone is on time for their shift. we can start a shift with only 4 or 5 and by the middle have all 20, then they have to leave to catch the bus home so we end with the 3 or 4 and the temple missionaries to clean the temple. we will work one more week on nights then do two weeks on days. I am real tall here. the people usually reach my shoulder. they are definately mayan. Sunday was ward conference for our ward and the first time in their new building there was over 200 there. we will have to see next week how many of them were stake visiters and how many were inactives who were curious about the building. They have a decent chior and Dad and I hope to sing with them. Today was out day off, we had a brunch with 4 english sisters who are here because their husbands work for the American Embassy and the FBI. They are your ages and younger. Once a month the english get to gether so these young girls can visit and relax with grandmas. It was nice, Dad did all the laundry and vaccumed the house while I was gone. He is real worried that I will expect this when we get home. The youth come to the temple to do baptisms for the dead starting at 6 am until 8:30pm. They are so thrilled to have a temple close. The spirit is so special here. we do have a lot of work to do to get the temple running smothly, but it is His house and the work will go forward. Shayla, please send me a lable from my tuna, there is a store here that will try to order products for us. Use the pouch mail. These young girls have been here for a year or two and the mail is not reliable. Packages are subject to a customs charge, One sister ordered a sweater for about $20.00 and the customs was $40.00. We will just have to email and skype and pouch mail. They said a shoe box can cost up to $60.00 in customs fees. Justin, Lon is concerned about the game, we have ESPN but don't know if it is a Spanish feed or us. He wondered about skyping Tracy and watching on his TV. or just have Ginger skype with her computer and watch you and Mindi then we will know what the game is doing. We plan on skyping Ginger while she is at your house on Sunday at 6:00 Idaho time. We send our love, we are well and happy. Dad and Mom, Grandpa and Grandma
Friday, August 19, 2011
We met with the temple president yesterday for 3 hours and he told us of the 250 ordinance workers that were turned in very few know the ordinances. Because the transportation system is so poor, we do not know when the workers will be coming. When we start prayer meeting we will then asign the coordinators for the shift depending on who is there. We will fill in where needed. We are to have no calling in the temple or in the ward only a home teacher and then our senior companion would have to have the car to take us. We are not to leave the compound without permission from the president, and then it must be as a group and usually in his van or a members van or a well known taxi driver. The temple and the appartments are much prettier than the pictures. It's amazing how many people it takes to put on this dedication. They have been working pretty much around the clock to get it ready. As for the cost of food, it is about the same as the US only they are in much smaller containers but you can buy almost any thing at Walmart here as in Jerome. We are going to try another store that is suppose to be less expensive but is a little further away. We have been here only a few days and love the people. They are so loving and kind. Not only in the temple grounds but also at the store. We are working on the language every chance we get and Nancy is learning much faster than I thought. We have been practicing as we walk and she is awsome. The people are so great to help, I already get sad to think that someday we will have to leave. When the temple opens Monday, Which we will be up most of the night getting ready,(because the last dedication session ends at 6:00 PM ) we have to be read by 7:00 Monday morning to start with training for the ordiance workers. After that because of those scheduled to come it is going to be very busy and we will have to be on call from 6:00am-9:00pm for the first week at least. Once it gets normal we will work a morning shift which is 6am-2pm one month and then 1pm-closing the next. We are well and doing fine and have the next few days to recoup and then it could get very busy. It is exciting being here and getting to know and meet many church leaders. Brother Rivas from tne 1st quorm of 70 Area representatives and members of the temple committees etc. They have been arriving daily. President Eyring will be here to dedicate the temple. We have tickets and will be seated inside the temple but I don't know which room. We also have tickets to the cultural event Saturday night. Well I had better close for now.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We Arrived Safely
Just a quick note to let you know that we arrived safely to San Salvador. It was a gruelling trip. We left Twin Falls airport at 1:30 pm on the 16th and arrived in SanSalvador at 5:45am on the 17th. Not a lot of sleep. We were served dinner at 2:00 am on the final flight. No luggage was lost. Pres and Sis Peterson met us with 2 vans for the hour ride to the Temple. Our apartments are so nice. The Temple is beautiful. There is still a lot to do before the dedication so we will be busy the next few days. Pres Eyring will be here for the dedication. Sunday after the dedication, about 6:00pm all the extra chairs that have been set up for the dedication will have to be taken back to the other chapels plus the TV's and all else to be ready for the two sessions that are scheduled for Monday.then on Tues we will be hopefully ready for a full day 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Wev'e had time for two short naps and hopefully after a good nights sleep, we will be ready for the people to come. Our thoughts and prayers are will you. We are so happy to be here. Love to all Elder and Sister Thompson
We are in front of the Temple with Bro and Sis Gibbons, Bro and Sis Wall, Bro and Sis Kitley, Pres. and sis Peterson. We were set apart today as Temple Ordinance Workers. The temple is full of the chruch sound system groups, and any one who has to help this dedication happen. Life is great. we love you Dad and Mom
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