This week we had saints from Honduras at the temple again. They are so anxious for their own temple to open and we are not looking forward to the day when they will stop coming here. As I watched them arrive and helped them through the two days that they were here, I got to thinking about sacrifices.
When Lon and I were first married, we had to drive CLEAR over to Idaho Falls to attend the temple; three hours in an air conditioned car with the sun in our eyes on the way over and the sun in our eyes going home. Wow, that was a tough trip! What a sacrifice! Then, the Boise Temple opened; 1 hour and 45 minutes from our door to the temple in an air conditioned car with the sun to our back going and coming. Then, the Twin Falls temple opened; 15 minutes from our door step. We did not sacrifice to attend the temple. The Lord really made it easy for us. Did we appreciate it and take advantage of this blessing? Not like we should have.
I want to share the story of one family who came here this week from Honduras. This family could not just jump in the car and come to the temple. It took years to get ready to come. First of all, they
all had to have passports and visa's to leave Honduras and enter El Salvador. These are time consuming and not cheep. The father had died earlier, so the mother brought her three children to the temple to be sealed to them. The two boys had received their mission calls and the daughter and her husband also were here to be sealed. Five people who had to pay for passports, visa's, transportation (in a bus) motel room for one night, and clothes for the temple. I can't magine how much it cost them. But they sacrificed for years, saving to come to the temple. They just beamed in the temple and spent every minute there that they could before they had to get on the bus for the 8-hour ride home. There was no complaining about being tired or ungry. They just radiated with the spirit while they were here. Most of the people from Honduras and Nicaragua who come to the temple are only able to come once a year. Then they save up for a year for the next trip. We in North America are so blessed. Most of us do not have to travel more than 2 hours and we can be at the temple. I really feel bad for using the excuses not to attend more often: it's just too far to drive, gas is too expensive, I just don't
feel good today so I'll go tomorrow, or tomorrow, or tomorrow.
It has always been said that each calling we receive is to help us grow. Well, this mission call has helped Lon and I both appreciate our ancestors who really did sacrifice so we could live in a free
country with all of our privileges and blessings. We will never take them for granted again. We hope you all enjoy this Memorial Day with sweet memories of our loved ones who have gone to live with our Heavenly Father. Don't take life for granted. Enjoy each day and be thankful for all that you have. We love you. We still do not have a date for the return of Pres. and Sister Petersen. We do miss them.
Love Dad and Mom, Lon and Nancy, Grandma and Grandpa
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