

Monday, June 25, 2012

40th Wedding Anniversar​y!

      Wow! Another week has come and gone. We were on the AM Shift so we had to be to the temple by 6:00 every morning except Saturday, the killer. We had to be there by 4:30 AM Saturday. We keep thinking that people won't get up that early so soon they will stop having the 5:30 AM session on Saturday, but no such luck. We were filled and the baptistry was non-stop from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM. It was a good week and we enjoy serving with the AM shift, getting to know more people, but are so glad that the next two weeks we can get up without an alarm and don't have to be to the temple till 1:00 PM.

      The rains come usually every afternoon and the flowers are starting to bloom everywhere again. I have missed the Arbol del Fuego trees and they are starting to bloom now. It is flu season also. I think it has something to do with the rains washing the trash into the water systems. The temperature hasn't changed but people are getting sick. Sister Kitley and Brother Gibbons have been struggling this week with thier health. Today is the first day that Sister Kitley said she felt like she might live. The locals carry around a kitchen towel, any color in the book even in the temple, flung over their shoulder and that is what they cough into, sneeze into, and blow their nose into. We do have kleenex's in the temple and that would be so much more sanitary, but old habits die hard.
      The 22nd was our 40th wedding anniversary. Boy does that sound like we are getting old or what! We invited the Figueroa Family to celebrate it with us. I cooked an all-American meal here at our apartment and had them come to dinner. They showed up with presents and we felt like it was Christmas. Picture #1 is the Figueroa Family and #2 is Lon and Carlos. They gave him a shirt that has 49 different Salvadorian words on it that are only used here and are not even in any dictionary. Lon is constantly asking what a word means so they gave him a bunch more to learn. The only problem is that the shirt fits me, not Lon. On Saturday of this week, I have to teach the girls how to make chicken pillows and coconut cream pie. They thought they were real tasty.
     Well, We want to let you know that we are well and happy, very content living here and serving in this beautiful temple with these wonderful, loving people. We send our love to all and please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers always. We love you and pray that you are well and happy also. Love Dad and Mom, Lon and Nancy, Grandpa and Grandma

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