

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Temple is Open!!!

     It felt so good to be back in the Temple this week. We reallymissed the people and the work. We were expecting to have the temple filled because we had a great Devotional Sunday night. The chapel and cultural hall were filled and the choir and speakers did a great job encouraging people to flood the temple. Well, Tues and Wed we only had a trickle of people. We were so disappointed. But on Thursday we had 2 buses from Nicaragua and 1 from Honduras arrive and for two days the temple was overfull and bustling with activity. We sure hope the Salvadorians pick up their pace as the new Honduras Temple is to be completed next year and we won't have them here to pick up the slack.

     Saturday was amazing. The missionaries of El Salvador had a special day for their investigators. They had buses full of investigators come to the temple grounds for special meetings and tours of the temple grounds. We had 14 buses here at one time, plus several microbuses. The temple was full also and it turned out to be a great week after such a slow start. We had at least 30 sets of missionaries here and they looked so happy. They really had a great turnout. People want to know how to have Forever Families and our family history center here on the temple grounds attracts many.

     Sister Kitley is still having trouble with her knee and has decided to have surgery to try and clean up the problems and relieve her of some pain. She will have same day surgery, microscopic, on
Monday the 1st. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery and a successful surgery.

       We are on the AM Shift this week so we are going to head for bed early. We pray that you are all healthy and enjoying life. We are. We send our love to all, Dad and Mom, Grandpa and Grandma, Lon and Nancy

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