

Monday, November 12, 2012

Weeky Letter

     Yes another week has come and gone and today is ladies day out and so I will write most of the letter today. (edited by Nancy) I got most of my chores done and Nancy thought that I should expand my horizon and so added to the list was dusting all the furniture. That should be it for this mission as we don't do that very often. I think that I have passed the test and am now certified as a true maid. (He only broke one item so that is good for the first time)
     We have had a good week and had a couple show up at the temple and as I was walking home I noticed that the vehicle had a Wyoming plate on it and so I went back into the temple and sure enough there was a young couple that had traveled all the way actually from Houston to Wyoming and then down through Mexico, Guatemala and have visited the temples and were on their way to Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and headed back through Belieze and try to get home by Christmas.

     The people down here couldn't believe that they would even try. They had spare tires and gas cans on the roof of their SUV (advertising that they were tourists) and said that they could live two weeks out of their car. They even had a bed in the back. That gave me an idea about buying a tuk tuk which is a 3 wheeler motorcycle but has a back seat and is really cool.

They have them in the states but are about 7,000 dollars more expensive so I have thought that I could buy one down here and drive it home. When we finish in June, I would have good weather all the way home and it is somewhat enclosed and I could be home for hunting season in Oct. with time to spare. That way I could take the souvenirs that we don't have room to take and I could take the excess. I am trying to sell Nancy on the Idea. I still have time to convince her. (I don't think so)

    This week we got to go to another concert or synfoncia and it was really good. That's something that we don't get to see in Idaho. We even knew most of the music.

     Sunday was the primary program and they did super. It was 50% Americans and 50% Spanish. These kids are so amazing as all but 2 did their parts in Spanish and the pronunciation was perfect.
It's amazing how they learn.

     We are preparing for our Christmas programs and I enjoy the music. Of course Nancy is at the time of year that she enjoys the most. The bad part is the 1st of Dec. is when we have the first program and Boise State plays Nevada probably for a share of the conference title and the 22 of Dec is the other program and that is the day of the bowl game that Boise State will probably be playing in. Thank heavens that I have a daughter that can record and I won't have to miss them. Who would believe that living down here we would ever have been able to do such a thing.

     We love being here and love our mission. We love the weather, people and the blessing of serving our Heavenly Father. It's a life I wish all couples that could would do so they would feel the true love of our Heavenly Father. What a joy to be able to serve. Well better close for now as Nancy will be coming home soon. We love hearing from those that have time to write and know many are busy. We miss you and pray all will have joy and happiness in your homes and lives. Elder and Sister Thompson, Mom and Dad. and Etc.

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