

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Good Morning

     Lon and I are both fighting head colds so we are not getting a lot done other than our shifts at the temple right now. The AM shift week was too full and we did not get enough sleep. Hopefully by this weekend we will be on the mend again and have another week of the PM to get our rest and be ready for the AM again.

     Do you remember me telling you about the young girl who has breast cancer? She thought it was in remission and they planned their wedding day for Nov. Then, in Oct she came to the temple and just crumbled into my arms and said that she needed a miracle this time. She was so sad and her eyes were not dancing. She was completely without hope. I wondered if I would ever know if she lived or died because I only knew her in the temple, didn't even know her name. On Sat the 1st, I was headed to the breakroom for a bite to eat, as I passed the recommend desk, there she was, sitting in a wheel chair with a blue mask over her face so she wouldn't catch everyones germs and dressed in a beautiful wedding dress. They had just come from their civil ceremony to be sealed for time and eternity. They were not on the schedule for the day so I went upstairs to tell Sister Petersen they were here and about my little friend. It was evident that they were getting sealed because she would soon be dying. Sister Petersen arranged for me to get to attend the sealing. The room was full of family and friends, but not her parents. They were in the states so I think they were against this wedding and the kids took advantage of them being gone. There wasn't a dry eye in the room even before the couple entered. Oh Karen, She had such a peaceful, content, happy look on her face this time. They removed the mask for the sealing and she insisted on kneeling at the alter. You could feel her spirit so strong. She was at peace with her situation and her husband was so attentive and loving and at peace also. They both knew that the promises and blessings they were to recieve were meant for the next life. Poor Pres. Majano had a real hard time getting through the ceremony as he along with the rest of us shed many a tear. Oh, what a blessing to know that there is life after death and that this special couple can be together forever. I am so thankful to have been given the privelage to know her and to see her for the last time so happy and at peace. My dear little friend, Mirian Marcela Vasques passed away on Dec. 4th. They didn't get much time together, but I know that they cherished every moment.

    Dec 1st was also the first of our four devotionals that we are singing at this month. The Stake Sunday School put on a "road show" That is the only thing that I can compare it to. It opened with a grandfather and grandson talking about the Bof M and the first scene was the destruction of the Nephites with Mormon saying his speach about oh you beautiful sons and daughters why did you not repent as he looked over the battle scene. Then the choir sang Come unto Him. As I tell you the songs, you can guess what was acted out just before. The second song we sang was "Nephi's Courage" Boy, the third verse is a killer in spanish!! Next, I sang " O that I were an Angel", then a primary sang "The Army of Helaman", then Luciana and a nonmember sang "This is the Christ". This was our ward and they used one of the Americans to play the risen Jesus visiting the Americas. He grew a beard for the part and it was real impressive as the Lamanites came to feel the prints in his hands and feet. After the last play, Luciana and I sang a duet of "Joseph Smiths first Prayer" and had the congregation join in with the last two verses. I really got choked up as I led them in the last verse. I know so many of these people. The gym was clear full and the benches in the chapel were turned around and they went half way into the chapel as well. How am I ever going to leave them? I plan on cherishing every day from now on and try not to think about how soon I will have to go. It was a great program with great scenery, painted by our relief society president, Karina, and the costuming was good. After the program, the Alas's insisted on taking us out for pupusas for my birthday. We were exhausted but so happy. It was a fun way to begin the Christmas season.

     We are practicing for three devotionals, the Temple workers devotional on the 16th, I am singing O holy Night and the choir three songs, then on the 22 we have a devotional for all the full time missionaries in El Salvador and on the 23 rd we do it again for the Stake. Sherilee and Rene have done great job of putting this together, translating music into Spanish and rewriting music to fit the words. It is going to be fun. I am singing a duet with Luciana and O Holy Night again and maybe Do you Hear What I Hear. So I am getting no Spanish lessons in at all, only music lessons as I study the words in Spanish so I can sing. I am sorry that you only get the one song to sing in Sac Meeting. Maybe next year she will be able to do more. I just love the songs of Christmas and I know you do too. I listened to the one you sent, it was great. I watached the first 15 minutes of the movie and the last 15 minutes. We are thinking of using it for our turn for home evening this monday. Is there anything in the middle that would not be good for missionaries and the Temple President? I just don't have time to proof it for myself.

     I don't know how you keep up with scouts. What a challenge. Tracy is in Oregan right now taking another series of tests for two different towns. I don't think anyone will be hiring until January but he just has to keep testing and hopefully one of the towns will be hiring soon. They are getting a little nervous as his unemployment will be running out soon and they don't know about getting more or not. He is just trying to do all that he can do and then we just have to wait upon the Lord for the blessings. Well, I need to get dinner on. I just had to share my week with you. I am so happy and feel my Heavenly Fathers hand in all I do. It is wonderful. I love you Nancy

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