

Friday, February 1, 2013


     Kurt, Yesterday I was at the desk and a mother and her 33 year old daughter came to do a session at the temple. I asked them what lineage they were from. The mother told me Manasah and the daughter told me she hadn't received her blessing yet. She was 33 years old and a return missionary and I asked her why she hadn't received her blessing and she told me that her bishop told her that she needed to learn to walk before she could run. I found that interesting that a thing like that could happen. You would think that she would have received the blessing before her mission. It's a different world down here.

     Need to tell you about Brother Delgado. He's a father of 6 children and has a son on a mission. He is currently serving as a bishop and has been for 7 years and is also serving as 1st counselor in the Stake Presidency. Seems a little over worked. Every Friday he brings his ward to the temple at 4:00 pm for ordiance work and his youth for baptisms. Usually 20 to 25 youth with a complete team of 7 to serve with him in the baptistry. He used to be a temple ordinance worker too but now only comes and serves with his word. Now I don't think that I should ever complain about being over worked. What a hero!!!

     Have a good week. We are going to go to San Miguel Sunday with Elder and Sister Hall since we have not seen that part of the country yet. It is there Stake Conference and President and Sister Petersen will be speaking. Hope you have a special Sunday with Elder Holland and the others. Can't wait to hear how it goes. We have a G.A. coming to our conference in March. Love you Lon

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