

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tracy Got the Job!!

     Great news today. Tracy just landed a job with the Twin Falls Sheriffs Office as a deputy jailer. He has been looking for a job in law enforcement since October. We are so excited that he and the family will be living so close to us. Sarah has a job in Twin also! They have enrolled the kids in a charter school in Jerome and will be living in our house for now. He asked me to thank all the family that have been praying for him. He said that he didn't get this job on his own and thanks all of you for the prayers in his behalf. They have a lot of work to do now, with having to move us out of our house, move down, and get his ready for renters by the 25th.
      We lost a dear friend again this week. Sister Alicia Colina passed away on Saturday morning.
Marti and Alicia were both ordinance workers in the temple until his legs got so bad that he couldn't stand for long periods of time. He has diabetes and has not been well for a year. Alicia was the Young Womens President in her ward, she is the same age as I am. We are saddened to have lost another friend but are so thankful that we were here and got to know her in this life. We look forward to renewing our friendship in the life to come.
      On Friday, we went to visit Parque Bicentenario with the Walls and Halls.
It is the dry season so it is not as beautiful as it will be in three months, but we will be in Idaho in three months so we took the opportunity to visit it now while the Hall's are still here cause they were good tour guides for us. They leave next month. We walked only on the south side of the park cause it is huge and it was getting real hot by noon. The Bamboo trees were huge.
   It was an up and down trail through the trees
Right smack in the middle of the park is a group of shanties where people live. We can't believe that they didn't kick them out when they made the park. It has only been opened about a year.
      We have gotten to go to dinner with several of our friends this past week and have several more invites this week as well. It is good to visit with them now while the temple is closed. We do miss the temple and will be glad to get back next week. The Petersen's fly in tonight.
      As we drive around this beautiful country, we see street venders everywhere. This is a normal sight along any of the roads.
 It is sugar cane harvest time, and the trucks are everywhere, carrying the cane to the factories for processing.
Lon and Eric Behner went golfing for the last time here on Saturday. They went back out to Corintos and had a great day. The caddie got paid and left so fast that he forgot to give Lon his card so he is not sure what he scored this time. But he played with one set of clubs on the front 9 and a different set of clubs on the back 9 so he didn't expect to golf his age this time. But he had a lot of fun and gave away all his tees cause he won't have an opportunity to golf again until he gets to Jerome.
      We are well and happy and thank you for your prayers in our behalf. We know that we are being watched over and protected and given extra health and strength to be able to serve this mission. You are all in our prayers also. We love you Lon and Nancy, Dad and Mom, Grandpa and Grandma.

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